The Villages Democratic Club
Get ready to vote on a new Club board
In accordance with our bylaws, a secret ballot will be conducted at our monthly membership meeting, Saturday, March 8, at Lake Miona Recreation Center. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. We need at least 10 percent of the membership present to meet our quorum requirement. As of today, we would need at least 124 voters.
CD6 Democratic Party candidate Josh Weil will be the main speaker March 8
Campaign website
We'll also hear from two nonprofits helping teens and young adults in our nearby communities
Hands of Mercy Everywhere provides a welcoming home environment for teen mothers and their babies, and for teens girls at risk of sex trafficking.
Forward Paths Foundation focuses on homeless youths and those aging out of foster care.
Paid political advertisement paid for by the Villages Democratic Club 300 S Main Street, Wildwood, FL 34785
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