The Villages Democratic Club
A CAPSULE DESCRIPTION “Critical race theory has recently received much (usually negative) attention in the media and in political discourse. Unfortunately it is too often misunderstood or politically perverted. It is really part of a larger perspective or world outlook. This presentation seeks to explain what CRT really is, where it comes from, and how it fits into our understanding of our country and society today." -- Dr. Mark Welton
ALSO: Award-wining author and former Club board member Marsha Shearer will enlighten us on activities of our local Education Forum
PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will take place that Saturday at the Savannah Regional Recreation Center, in the Atlanta and Charleston banquet rooms. The doors will open at 9 a.m., and the meeting will begin at 10.
Paid political advertisement paid for by the Villages Democratic Club 300 S Main Street, Wildwood, FL 34785
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