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On December 11, 2024 the MONTHLY CPI for November 2024  came in at 0.3%.    Because the annual is the total of 12 months, November 2023's 0.2% (see red bar below) fell out of the total.  Thus the net change was a INCREASE of 0.1%.  The annual CPI also increased by the same amount going from 2.6% to 2.7%. 

Think of the annual calc as being 12 dominoes----when a new month comes on, the oldest month falls out.  
Over the past 12 months, the monthly average has been 0.2% but it does vary.
If the future month's CPI data continues to be 0.2%, inflation will  to decrease over the next 6 months as older months fall out of the rolling 12 month calculation used for the annual CPI calculation.
Thanks to President Biden's efforts, inflation has dropped from its high of nearly 3 years ago as shown below
The listed causes of inflation were one time, non-recurring.  ANNUAL CPI is now down to 2.7%.   High inflation is a thing of the past.

GAS PRICES in the US: Historical 1990-current
Following the 2008 collapse of the US Economy, gas prices plunged.  With Obama's recovery, gas prices increased and then fell in his 2nd term.   
Trump started with low gas prices but they increased and when COVID hit, gas prices plunged again.  
At the end of the Trump first term in office, gas prices began to increase. On 4.20.20 gas was $1.84.  9 months later when Trump left office prices had SOARED to $2.71 a gallon.  Under Trump gas prices SOARED 71%.  This was the "gift" that Trump dumped on Biden.
When Russia invaded Ukraine in Feb 2022 gas prices spiked.  This occurred world wide.  Biden used a portion of the US strategic oil reserve to counter balance decline in Russia oil and prices declined to the levels we have today which are at the same price levels experienced during Bush Jr and Obama's administrations.  US oil production is at record levels.  

Gas prices are now lower than they were when Russia attacked Ukraine.

EGG PRICES in the US: Historical 1980-current
Eggs represent a lower portion of consumer monthly expenditures than gasoline but consumers focus on egg prices and there is a WIDE variation of egg prices based on Country, State and Grocery stores in a single location.
The time period below is nearly 45 years and even with very low inflation, prices will rise and the line starts to be become curve-linear due do to time compounding.
Egg prices have incurred 2 spikes over the past 10 years both dealing with the deadly Avian Flu.  Egg production is conducted in large industrial settings which leave it vulnerable to the rapid spread of the Avian Flu.  In addition, there are relatively few suppliers of eggs.
Due to inhumane conditions that egg laying chickens are kept in, there is public pressure to change this and go with cage free egg raising. 

This more humane method costs more and hence prices are rising.

Nov/Dec 2024 a third wave of Avian Bird Flu is occurring and spreading to other farm animals.  In CA some grocery stores are limiting the quantity of eggs that can be purchased. In Iowa, a county in the northwest part of the state has been declared a disaster area due to the spread of the flu.  In the month of Nov 2024 egg prices rose 8% in ONE MONTH and it has gotten worse in December.
EGG PRICES: Compare Between Countries July 2024
Egg production tends to be a domestically raised process. As a result, prices do vary by country.  By and large, egg prices compared to other countries is  about average, maybe a little on the higher side.

EGG PRICES: Compare Between States August 2018
Egg prices materially vary depending on the state one resides.  In August 2018 Ballotpedia had shoppers visit Walmart stores in every state's capital and report back their findings.  Prices on average were ~$1.70 and ranged from $0.42 in Illinois to $4.49 in Hawaii  (a 10 time difference)

EGG PRICES: Compare Between Stores in a Single Area
In June 2024 4 national and regional grocery  stores were comparative shopped for 18 consumer products including eggs.  Prices between the stores varied by upwards of ~75% between stores for the same product.
What seems  like a relatively simple undertaking of determining the cost of a dozen eggs resulted in wide variations depending on the state one is in and which grocery store one shops in.
All the comparison shopping were not limited to cage or cage free sourced eggs.  One national grocery change is going totally with cage free sourced eggs.  As a result they will have higher prices but they believe their consumers will understand why and will go along with the decision

   Paid political advertisement paid for by the Villages Democratic Club 300 S Main Street, Wildwood, FL 34785

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